It's surprising what reading a good book will do. I am still working on revamping my proposal, but I also am reading
When Harlem Was in Vogue. So far I've read the two prefaces and Chap. 1. I am not sure yet if I'm gonna read the whole thing, or only the relevant chapters to my dissertation, but I am enjoying the read nonetheless. Tomorrow I have to get back to grading and working on my proposal, but I'm going to try to get some reading done. Nowadays I can only get a little done per day, and this takes some adjusting, but I'm slowly getting work done.
Earlier this week I ordered Isabel Wilkerson's The Warmth of Other Suns, which was published earlier this year. I am super excited about this one, and almost dropped grading in favor of a quiet afternoon of reading at school...but then I figured the grading had to get done at some point, hehe. I plan on starting that one after I'm done with Levering.