But what's pressing firmly on the back of my mind is the early morning phone call I received from Craig. While he slept last night, people picked his lock, climbed the stairs to his second floor apartment and took the plasma TV, X-Box, video games, etc. I'm guessing the poor cat hit under the couch through it all. Craig was in his room with the door closed (because the cat is a maniac at night) and the fan running by his head (because the perpetual ringing in his ears, a consequence of an explosion in Iraq, keeps him awake without it). These people were either professionals or had major balls breaking into a home where an armed veteran lives... And I've been plagued by all the what-ifs... what if he'd woken up? Did they have guns? What would have happened? What would have happened if I was there? Or Blue (the dog) lived with him instead of me right now? I'm trying to get my head around it, but simply can't wait until he flies into St. Louis and I can hug him and see that he's safe...
On a lighter note, my dad and I have been emailing back and forth (which I know seems odd as we're under the same roof, but that's just the Ray-way) about why Sarah Palin makes me cringe. It's no secret my dad is rather conservative while I'm moderate to liberal. I truly can't stand the woman and below are my reasons why... For next post, when I arrive in St. Louis on Wednesday, I will include some pages from the rehashed chapter One. But for now, here the Palin rant I wrote after listening to her interview on the situation in Egypt...
Palin says: " And what would give me great joy is if what would become irrelevant is just the untruthful the misreporting out there. I want the mainstream media, and I’ve said this for a couple of years now, I want to help ‘em. I have a journalism degree, that is what I studied. I understand that this cornerstone of our democracy is a free press, is sound journalism. I want to help them build back their reputation and allow Americans to be able to trust what it is that they are reporting. We’re so far from being able to trust what so many of the mainstream media personalities, characters, feed the American public that it scares me for our country. What would give me great joy is what would become irrelevant is the misreporting that comes out of the mainstream media."
I would tear apart a freshman paper (or speech) for such spiraling, empty verbiage.
"Regan" and "America" and "God/Bible/Jesus" seem to be here go to phrases throughout...
She doesn't speak like an intelligent woman; she speaks like a hick who believed everything her rural "folks' told her without question: immigrants bad, Jesus is everything, pick yourself up by your boot heels... This might sound shallow, but I'll give it to her, I really respect her for her appearance: she takes care of herself, is fit, attractive without trying to appear sexy. But when she speaks, I cringe: instead of "them" she says 'em.' and "I have a BA in Journalism" as her qualifier for understanding the media situation in Egypt. If the BA (or accrediting institution) was any good she could speak properly.
Plus, Obama has degrees from Ivy league schools, as does Bush, I believe, but you sound like a moron when you drop that as your qualifier for solving problems. Also, I thought FOX news was the conservative holy grail? It's #1 in the ratings in covering Egypt!
And I fully acknowledge that I know so little about what's going on over there, but when I listened to all of her comments I felt that I'm more well-informed that she is, which scares me to death. Also, I can't believe she did a reality show, that her daughter (only famous for getting knocked up), was on Dancing with the Stars (as if teen pregnancy is something to glorify) and her younger daughter goes on Facebook calling people "faggots." They're classless. Briston is going on tours preaching "abstinence," hauling in $200K a speech, and it's like Roseanne Barr visiting high schools to tell kids how to "eat right," it's absurd! In short, if she is going to be the first female VP or President of this nation, I think I'll talk to Craig about moving to Canada...
**My dad could make a plethora of points supporting Palin, thus I welcome him to start his own blog! ;-)
No need to start my own blog; the first rule when someone is undercutting their own position is to let them keep digging... ;-)